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Graduate Accelerated Opportunity At Pollock and Associates

 Are you a promising graduate seeking work experience? Are you in the following fields of study: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematic) Degrees?

Graduate Accelerated Program

Be part of the accelerated program which is a 2-year structured program that provides a unique platform to leverage and enhance TALENT.


  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematic) Degrees
  • Max of 2 years work experience
  • Willing to travel, work and live in Malaysia for at least 1 year
  • Degrees fully completed
  • Must have an interest in Manufacturing
  • Average results >65%
  • Strong leadership qualities


A detailed CV to be attached together with following certified documents:
• Matric certificate
• Academic record/transcript and relevant qualifications and certificates
• Identity document
• SA citizen

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