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The SAPS offers careers in various fields. If you join the SAPS you can either become a police official or a civilian employee. Police officials are employed in terms of the South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No 68 of 1995).

Civilian employees are employed in terms of the Public Service Act, 1994 (Act No 103 of 1994). Most functional Police Officials are directly involved in preventing, combating or investigating crime. The other Police officials and civilian personnel carry out support functions.

The South African Police Service hereby invites unemployed graduates who conform to the
requirements for a twelve (12) month Graduate Recruitment Scheme at Division: Detective and
Forensic Services. The Graduate Recruitment Scheme is part of the National Human Resource
Development Strategy and the National Skills Development Strategy.

The South African Police Service hereby invites unemployed graduates who conform to the
requirements for a twelve (12) month Graduate Recruitment Scheme at Division: Financial
Management Services. The Graduate Recruitment Scheme is part of the National Human
Resource Development Strategy and the National Skills Development Strategy.
Generic requirements:
*Be a South African citizen
*Must be in possession of National Senior Certificate or equivalent (NCV L4)
*Must have no previous criminal conviction(s) or case(s) pending
*Applicants must be unemployed, never employed in field of the advertised post and never
participated in an internship programme in the relevant field of the post
*Applicants must be residents of the Province where the post is advertised
*Applicants are restricted to apply for only three (3) posts and complete a separate application
form for each post reference number.

The South African Police Service herby invites unemployed graduates who conform to the
requirements for participation in a twelve months’ Graduate Recruitment Scheme internship
programme at Division: Human Resource Management. The internship programme is part of the
National Human Resource Development Strategy and the National Skills Development Strategy.
Generic requirements:
*Be a South African citizen
*Must be in possession of National Senior Certificate or equivalent (NCV L4)
*Must have no previous criminal conviction(s) or case(s) pending
*Applicants must be unemployed, never employed in field of the advertised post and never participated
in an internship programme in the relevant field of the post
*Applicants must be residents of the Province where the post is advertised
*Applicants are restricted to apply for only three (3) posts and complete a separate application form
for each post reference number.
Intern categories with minimum requirements:
Graduate Intern: Tertiary Qualification is required (Statement of results must be attached)

The South African Police Service herby invites unemployed graduates who conform to the
requirements for a twelve (12) month graduate’s internship programme at Division: Protection and
Security Services. The Graduate recruitment scheme is part of the National Human Resource
Development Strategy and the National Skills Development Strategy.
Generic requirements:
*Be a South African citizen.
*Must be in possession of a National Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or equivalent qualification
(NCVL4) National Certificate Vocational Qualification on NQF Level 4

  • Must have no previous criminal conviction(s) or case(s) pending.
    *Applicants must be unemployed, never employed in field of the advertised post and never
    participated in an internship programme relevant to the field of the post.
    *Applicant must be residents of the province where the post is advertised
    *Applicant are restricted to apply for 3 positions only and complete separate application form for
    each post reference number.
    *All application should be addressed to the correct province or head office

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