Foreign exchange, commonly known as Forex is a decentralised global market where all the world's currencies are traded. Forex is the largest financial market in the world, with an average turnover of $5.3 trillion per day. Trading foreign exchange market involves high degree of risk. Everyone can trade currencies, it's easy to learn and understand the trading platform and that can be done in less than a week, however trading itself it's a lifetime learning process where you deal with continuous physical and psychological challenges throughout your live trading process... With time you get to understand potential risks within the trading industry and learn how to minimise the risks... Patience and discipline play a major role in foreign exchange and I normally use those two to gauge improvement. For as much as you can lose your entire trading capital, possibly you can double your capital but it's very rare for a trader, especially a beginner to double the balance of their live accounts...
Follow these steps to become a well informed forex trader if you're a beginner and want to trade...
#What is forex
#Why trade forex
#Who trades forex
#When to trade forex
#How to trade forex